Sunday, June 14, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 13

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 13

Holy wow! Those cards and letters, well, 'texts' anyway, just keep on rolling in! So many problems, so many hopeless souls searching for things they'll never find, so little time. But let's not waste precious 'time' fretting about it, instead, let's dive right in and save another 'needy'.

Dear Buddy,
Your 'fame', due to your incredible knack for 'solving' peoples self induced life problems, and then, saving them from themselves, precedes you.

 I have read almost all of the 'sage advice' that you have proffered to those void of common sense, but heavy with stupidity, and I truly believe that I, myself, fall right into that barrel of craziness....
But, enough about 'you' Buddy, here's 'my' crazy 'problem'. Buddy; I've been told by reliable sources, and I can't help but believe it's true, that I am always searching for stuff, you know, like, who knows what, yet never even realizing when I've found it. Consequently, my house, my car, my garage, my pockets, are crammed full of useless crap that I have absolutely no clue as to where it came from, or how it got there. Is that crazy or what!? I mean, who does that? Right?

 Here's my two-part question Buddy, and I just know that you will solve my own self induced problems, so that I can have more 'me' time to indulge in my time consuming hobbies.

 First; Am I just batshit crazy, or is it just me?
Second; Can you help me find my car in the garage? I know it's in there somewhere, I've searched, and I've searched...wait!...I wonder if I've already 'found' it...or...not?
Thanks in advance Buddy!
'Crazy in Kalamazoo'

Dear Batshit,
As per your question, part one; Yes, a resounding, Yes!
As per your question, part two; Absolutely Not!
Oh, by the way Batshit, your mother called, said, "the CIA made me get an unlisted number". Said she'll call 'you'.
 Good luck anyway, Buddy.

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