Wednesday, June 3, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 8

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 8
Wow! I have discovered that 'people' are like 'fish', they either get themselves in too deep water, or they find themselves floundering in tide pools at low tide, and 'neither' one has a happy outcome. Here, we have one of those 'beached' 'flounders' gasping for air, gulping for help. 'Lucky' for her that 'Ask Buddy', came along just in the nick of time! l Follow along, let's see how we can 'assist' her.
Dear Buddy,
My husband of 40yrs just left me for another woman, actually, my 'twin'! I'm not really all that surprised, he never did like to try anything 'new'.
Now, I know this sounds crazy as hell, but what does 'she' have that I don't? And Buddy, what should I do now?
(By the way Buddy, we all love you here in Palooka, you're the only 'sane' voice in town!)
'Loser In Palooka, Kentucky'
Dear 'Loser',
Ahhh..She has your 'husband'. My unbiased suggestion, is that you send her two cards, a 'Congratulations' card, and a 'Sympathy' card, and then, treat yourself to a 'singles' cruise. ;) ;) Oh, and next time, get a 'dog'. ;)

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