Sunday, June 28, 2020


While the incompetent trump, America's disgusting 'Wanna-be Dictator', was busy blindly courting, and totally sucking up to his longtime BFF-FWB, Putin, the 'Nation Builder', and extolling his bunk buddies virtues, Putin, like the brutal dictator he surely is, was busy murdering American and coalition troops.
Upon learning of this egregious treachery, a 'real' President, and Commander-In-Chief of The United States of America, would renounce, and retaliate against Putin. However, do not expect such from trump, the 'Boy-King', who instead will proclaim that his BFF would never do such an unthinkable act, and that the lying media has simply created yet another "hoax" in attempts at making them both, look bad, as if they could possibly look any worse than they constantly make themselves.


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