Friday, June 26, 2020

"Frankly, I didn't understand what they were thinking"

Devoted trump, 'The incompetent', minions, and 'middle finger puppets', Cruz and Cornyn, momentarily pulled their saw dust filled heads from their puppet masters arse, and proudly exclaimed in unison, "Frankly, I didn't understand what they were thinking", referring to their masters decision to pull federal funds from the coronavirus program, money so desperately needed in the fight against that nasty virus that's trying to kill Americans left and right.
Then after gasping from the effects of fresh air and a single lucid thought, their puppet master pulled their strings and up and away they went back into the bowels of the beast. And then all was quiet, they had done their job, and the Republicans in Texass went 'Yi-Haaa!', Clap, clap, clap.


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