Thursday, June 18, 2020

'I made Juneteenth very famous', Say's The Boy-King

'Yeah, see, here's the thing about that. Very few people of color, you know, 'Black' people, hardly any actually, not many at all probably, even 'knew' anything about 'Juneteenth', or whatever it's called. But a long time ago, maybe weeks or longer ago, I had laid a very smart-brained plan to make it famous so that all my Black friends could have someone to thank for it. And vote for me. I could see that even among Black people there was hardly 'any' interest in that historical event of long ago, and I knew that it was up to me, their messiah, to make it famous. 
 See, first, I let it be known that I planned to have a very huge rally for all my wonderful cult followers. Then I casually 'mentioned' that maybe we'd do it on the same day that a few Black people would be celebrating that Juneteenth thing. I 'knew' that the Democrats would raise holy hell over that one, and sure enough they riled up some Black people who protested my 'plans', just as I knew they would. Then, just as I 'planned', it got really big, huge, like no one ever seen before, and just like that, everyone on the planet instantly became aware of it. Then, cleverly, I changed the rally date to the next day "out of respect", which makes 'me' look like a wonderfully benevolent 'leader' who hasn't got a 'racial' bone in my body, well except for that infamous 'bone spur' in my heel.
 But this isn't about 'me' is it? No, not at all! It's about America's President pandering for the Black vote in November by making "..Juneteenth very famous". 
 But that just me doing what I do best. And remember my also infamous words, "I always try to be truthful", you know, like right now. Really. Someone once said, 'it's better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all', and right now, I'm trying really hard to 'tell the truth'. Honest, you can believe me this time.'

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