Monday, June 22, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 15

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 15

Dear Buddy,
Perhaps you can settle a personal quandary of mine.
'Myself' and my two friends are at odds with one another over the craziest thing.
First though, speaking for only 'myself', let me assure you that 'I' am not the least bit 'crazy', although some of my friends call might 'me' so, but I'm not too sure that my friends aren't. In fact, 'I' am told even by complete strangers, some perhaps more stranger than 'myself', that 'I' am the smartest of the three of us. But then, that's just 'me'.
Anyway, here's my quandary;
'I' am an avowed 'flat earther'. 'I' know, 'I' know, call 'me' crazy if you must, but it is what it surely is. Right? Now, my two 'friends' , who I'm pretty sure, really 'are' crazy, are just as adamant that the earth, according to 'me', is more like a football shape, or perhaps, as 'I' proffers, like an up-side-soup down bowl. Of course, as 'myself', and we all 'know', they are as wrong as the day is long.
Buddy, you strike 'me' as a fairly astute sort of person so, again, speaking only for 'myself', although this is not just about 'me', which do you think of the three of us, 'me, myself or I', is the craziest?
We await with baited breathe for your speedy answer,
'Me, Myself, and I', in the 'Show Me State' of Missouri

Dear 'Me, Myself and I',
Abstractly speaking, it has taken me a few minutes to wrap my discombobulated mind around this one!
First, I have a question that has nothing to do with my answer to 'your' question; What in the hell kind of mind altering medication are you taking!????
Now, I will try to answer your question. It appears that there certainly is a 'conflict' of sorts among you and your 'friends', as you call them. And while it's clear that all three of 'you' are probably crazy as a kangaroo on speed, far be it from me to hang that title on any of you when simply 'mentioning' it should suffice. I have consulted with my 'Ouija Board', and it appears that all three of 'you' are just as I suspected. I suggest that the three of 'you', or perhaps just 'yourself', take a trip to where 'you' think the edge of the earth may be, then go a little further yet. I may not hear from 'you' again, so, send pics.
May your earth gods be with you.

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