Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Another Career Destroyed by trump, 'The Boy-King'

It is unfortunate that men and women of honor and integrity that 'want' to serve our nation and uphold the values of our Constitution, simply cannot when they are placed in the position of protecting an egomaniac or resigning, by trump, 'The Boy-King', who makes it impossible for them to continue serving under a wanna-be dictator.
America has lost yet another honorable Federal employee due to our 'Buffon-In-Chief' busily 'playing' President of America.
Hopefully we have not seen the last of James N. Miller, perhaps in the Biden Administration?
As for trumps 'middle finger puppet', Secretary Esper, he should start counting down the days he has left as a Federal 'employee', because SOON he will hear the words, 'You're Fired', and it wont be from his 'puppet master, trump'.


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