Friday, June 5, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 9

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 9

Dear Buddy,
As you can imagine, I am 'sick, and tired' of having to wear this stupid 'face mask' all the time, especially since we 'all' 'know' that the coronavirus is just a simple head cold that barely makes one sick. My whole remaining family members, and what friends I have left, all feel the same way as I about this government sponsored issue! Besides, before all this nonsense started, I had what teeth I have left, 'whitened', and now it's impossible to show them off while wearing this bothersome mask!
Why do we need our government to make life or death decisions for us?? Aren't we 'all' adults here? Shouldn't we 'mature adults' be allowed to make our own life and 'death' decisions?? Like I said, "..I'm sick, and tired.." of this thing, as well as "sick and tired" of our government intruding into my personal life style. Thanks Buddy! You're practically a family name here in Maine!
'Born Free, and Sick, and Tired, in Maine'

Dear 'sick, and tired',
"Family name"?? No, we are 'not' related! And, when you speak of "mature adults" here, are you referring to 'yourself'? Really?? You did not mention your 'age', so I can only make a 'WAG' (wild assed guess) of it. Are you still required to take naps in your pre-school class?
But, far be it from me to be judgmental, something I'm certainly not know for. In which case I shall answer your question, with a question;
Given a, "mature adult", choice, would you rather be just a little, 'sick, and tired', or a lot of, 'sick, and dead'?
Good luck!

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