Thursday, June 11, 2020

Out of The Closet, Into Obscure Oblivion

Out of The Closet, Into Obscure Oblivion

' But, but,....the confederate flag, that American symbol of 'freedom', independence, rebel spirit, white pride, has always been associated with really fast cars and stuff. What would a 'good ol' boy' car racing event be like without that glorious banner flappin' in the exhaust fueled breeze? I mean, what? Can you imagine for even one little red neck second what the south would be like were it not for that wonderful battle banner? Can you?
Well, I sure can't, and I bet you can't either! "I don’t believe in kneeling during Anthem nor taken ppl right to fly what ever flag they love,” he posted. “I could care less about the Confederate Flag, but there are ppl that do and it doesn’t make them a racist all you are doing is (expletive) one group to cater to another and i ain’t spend the money we are to participate in any political BS!! So everything is for SALE!!”

 Can you believe that I wrote that all by myself? Yep, I sure did! Sure, I slept through most of my 'grammar' classes, but you get my drift, right? Right?
Now, there are some who will accuse me of being a 'closet racist' but as you can see, I'm totally 'out' of my closet, and I'm flying my true 'confederate' white boy colors for the world to see!
I don't know what in the world car and truck racing will do without me going round, and round, and round, and round, those NASCAR race tracks, you know, really fast and stuff, but I reckon they'll just flounder like a fish out of water. Too bad for them but I gotta stick to my 'Southern Heritage', and if there's no rebel flag, there's simply no sense in my racing any more! Well, maybe I'll continue until the end of the 2020 season, if I still have 'sponsors', that is.

 I'm pretty sure that there'll be a 'whole lot' of drivers just like me that will follow me and quit racing in protest of NASCAR's stupid 'politically correct' decision. Really. Lots, and lots of'em! People just like myself. Come on guys, let's show them we mean business! And you know what else? I don't care one bit that most of my $$sponsors$$ will drop me like a red hot racist potato! There! Goodbye cruel world.'

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Ray Ciccarelli, a NASCAR trucks driver, announced on social media Wednesday that he plans on quitting the sport shortly after the release of new guidelines that included a ban on Confederate flags at races.

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