Friday, June 5, 2020

Failure to Train, And Supervise

I'm all in for 'Special Response Teams' as they serve an important function in responding to situations that regular street cops are not trained in, nor equipped to handle.
However, in this particular case it appears that the Buffalo Team has chosen to draw the proverbial 'line in the sand', and has tripped over it onto their faces during its execution.
By all Fifty-Seven team members resigning from the team, it gives the message that all 57 consciously agree that the Two members that were suspended for pushing over the 75yr old protestor, did nothing wrong, or according to their spokesperson, “Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders,” said John Evans, PBA president.  The real "disgust" here is what the two team members 'did', not because of their now treatment.
"Simply executing orders". 'Simply executing orders', has never been, and never will be, a valid reason nor valid excuse for criminal activity.
I have watched the same video clip of this incident as everyone else surely has, and it's plain that there was no valid reason nor good excuse for these two officers to push a 75yr old person who at that age, no doubt lacks the facility for good balance, so hard that he falls backwards striking his head on the pavement thus causing a significant head injury. These officers could have simply ushered their now victim to the rear or to the side as he appeared to be of no threat to their safety. And yet, they consciously chose the act that they will now likely be charged with.
Fifty-Seven members resigned and Two others suspended. This means that all of the 59 Members thought it was proper, and actually condone, the acts of the two suspended officers, because they were "Simply executing orders".
These officers were no doubt well trained otherwise, but ill trained in the ethics and morals of performing their duties as a Special Response team whose first priority is to 'Protect and Serve' the public. In this, they have failed miserably, and their supervisors have 'failed to train, and supervise'. This, a 'black eye' for the City of Buffalo.

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