Saturday, June 6, 2020

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 10

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 10

Dear Buddy,
Boy! I hope you have your 'answer' book handy, because have I got some questions for you!
First off, I just want to tell you that here in the Alleghany's we follow your 'advice' page closer than we interpret the 'good book'! Don't know what we'd do without your 'sage' advice Bud! Thanks for being there for us!
Now, as you can imagine, we folks around here are pretty sharp, and can't be fooled out of hand. We know BS when we see it, that's for sure. There's a lot of 'stupid' in this world but 'we' aren't one of'em!
Well, Buddy, put your 'thinking cap' on because here's some imponderable things that has us stumped!
Why is it when you go to the store to buy clothes, you know, like 'jeans', they'll call them a 'pair' of jeans or a 'pair' of pants, when you only want 'one' of'em?? You don't get a 'pair' of them, you only get 'one' of'em! Where the hell does the 'pair' things come from? Sure it's got two 'legs' or a 'pair' of'em, for sure, but why call it a 'pair' of jeans?? If 'two' legs are called 'pants', is 'one' leg called a 'pant'? Have you ever seen 'pants' for sale that have only 'one' 'pant leg'? Ditto for a 'pair', of 'shorts'! Oh sure, a 'pair' of shoes can be called a 'pair', but will they sell you only 'one' of'em? How about a 'pair' of scissors!? WTH is that all about!?? Is there some place that sells only 'half' of one? Is that called a 'scisss'?? WTH is going on out there Buddy!!??
Well, we have a lot more questions Buddy, but I'm sure this will keep you busy thumbing through your 'answer' book all day long. But don't fret Bud, you'll hear from us again, I'm pretty sure of it because we are stumped like crazy here!
'Stumped In Hard Scrabble, NY'

Dear 'Stumped',
Oh darn it! My dog just threw up on my keyboard and just as soon aslshxy8duv6;,apwm[=2tbx0......

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