Monday, December 3, 2018

Ya Gotta Love Stone's "Guts"

'Man, don'tcha just love people with wonderful "guts"!? Well, I sure do, and let me tell you that my BFF Roger Stone, has some of the best "guts" I've ever seen. Really. I'm not kidding. I mean, he is totally Full of "guts"! Who woulda thought! What a very brave guy, willing to take the 'hit' for me, his 'forever pal'. He'd rather spend the rest of his already mostly lived life, in prison with a 300 pound cellmate he'll soon be calling 'sweetheart', than to tell the truth about all those 'Trump secrets' floating around in his spacious head. They'll 'never' force him to rat out on me! Never! Ever. Probably. I just love 'friends' like that! I am quite 'confident', well, as much as I can be at the moment, but then I said the same thing about 'Traitor Cohen', that 'Rog' will take our secrets to his grave. And sooner than later would be great.
And, on the other dirty hand, there's my former BFF-FWB Michael 'The Rat' Cohen, who just can't stand the thought of spending the rest of his useless life as Stones cellmate. So what does he go and do, he blabs about everything he knows. Disgusting liar! Mueller, and his groupies, "don’t want the truth, they only want lies" "The truth is very bad for their mission!" Well, not to mention my Own.
But this isn't about Me, me, me, is it, it's about a brave new world full of Trump minions willing to keep their potentially blabbing mouths very shut about my 'personal' business affairs. By the way, 'Rog', if you are reading this, I'm sending you a box of 'Tums', I'm sure you need them by now, and thanks a butt load for your 'Trump Fidelity'. Remember 'Rog', my very specail pal, a sweet little Presidential Pardon could be coming your way as a special Christmas present, so just keep the faith, "you ain't seen nothing yet".'

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A petulant President Donald Trump on Monday called for his ex-personal lawyer Michael Cohen to receive a stiff prison sentence for his admitted crimes, as he accused Cohen of making up "stories to get a GREAT & ALREADY reduced deal for himself."

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