Saturday, December 8, 2018

What Now, "Proud Boy"?

Hey you, "Proud Boy", to the end of the 'bread' line with you! Welcome to the world of the unemployed Nazis'. Actually, I hear that your hero Trump, 'The Incompetent', is hiring right now. You certainly meet all the qualifications necessary to be in his dysfunctional employment, just tell him that you 'know' someone at Fox News, and you'll be a shoe-in for sure. However, do Not un-pack your 'bug-out bag' because your time there will be a short one, as evidenced by his other 'friends' who have come and gone before you. Barring that little job, check the 'Mayhem' section of the 'want ads' for 'Riot Maker', but wait, you weren't even very good at that were you. Forget about collecting un-employment, nothing there for, 'Failed to be a viable human being'. Maybe a job as a potato farmer in Ireland? Do you remember where you left your 'rock'? Find it. Crawl. Back. Under. It. And disappear.

'Proud Boy' Update:

'Proud Boy' Update:
YouTube bans Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes
By Avery Anapol - 12/10/18 11:57 AM EST
Far-right activist Gavin McInnes has been kicked off YouTube, the latest social media platform to cut ties with him or his group, the Proud Boys.
The Daily Beast reported Monday that YouTube has banned McGinnes, who had over 220,000 subscribers before the ban.
A statement on McInnes’s YouTube page says that the channel has been terminated after “multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement.”
The Hill has reached out to YouTube for comment.
McInnes, who has been described as a far-right provocateur, has also been kicked off of Amazon, PayPal, Twitter and Facebook.
Last week, BlazeTV cut ties with McGinnes, who joined the network just a week earlier to host the show “Get Off My Lawn.”
The Proud Boys call themselves "a pro-Western fraternal organization for men who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world; aka Western Chauvinists." They are considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Several members of the Proud Boys were arrested last month for alleged roles in a street brawl in New York in October.
McInnes has since disavowed the group, but said that it is not a white nationalist or alt-right organization. McGinnes was denied a visa to tour Australia after he was found to be of “bad character.”

Oh dear! What's a 'Proud Boy' to do? That potato farm is looking better, and better 'proud boy'! 

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Far right activist and Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes is no longer…

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