Tuesday, December 4, 2018

"Saudi crown prince ordered killing"

Shhhhhh...Trump, 'The Incomprehensible', is napping with his head safely nestled up his arse, where he is surrounded by his likewise arsehole minions who whisper sweet nothings in his still, un-believing ears. It would not bode well to prematurely snap him out of his flatulent slumber which would simply cause him to fly into one of his insane 'tweet storms'. Shhhhhh....the 'king' sleeps the sleep of the eternal doubter.

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Following a briefing by CIA director Gina Haspel Tuesday on the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, leading Republican senators told reporters that there was "zero question" that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the brutal murder. Senate Foreign Relations Chairman...

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