Thursday, December 13, 2018

Our Social 'Fabric'

If a 'news' org, CNN or which ever might be the flavor of the day, is all it takes to render to tatters the social 'fabric' of our Nation, USA, or any other, then just how tightly 'woven' was that Nation in the first place? A 'news' org is not the epitome of the Nation it resides in, mearly a voice of the 'Freedom of Speech'. We all hold the right to listen to their voice, or simply turn the dial. We are all a 'stitch' in this National 'patchwork quilt' of democracy. Sometimes there will be frays that need new stitches, sometimes a tear that needs serious repair, sometimes fading that needs new 'color'. If it wears thin, repair it, don't toss it out in favor of another Nation. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Most often the same grass, just a different view.

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