Thursday, December 27, 2018

Smile For Our Enemies, Boys

Trump, 'The utterly Incompetent', visited our troops in Iraq, a visit that 'should' have been about our hard working troops, but instead, he not surprisingly, made it a vote garnering, political, and campaign tour which turned out to be, as usual, all about Trump, and his Me, me, me, it's all about me, ego.
And then, not to be outdone with that little ego stunt, he managed to show the world, friends and mostly enemies alike, actual photos of Navy Seal Team members which will no doubt have his pal Vlad and ISIS, yes Mr. Trump, contrary to your bogus assertions they still exist, you have Not destroyed them, scrambling to put names to faces. Another "make America great again" 'accomplishment' by our un-learned Commander-In-Chief. This is why incompetent 'children' should always be supervised by a competent 'babysitter'.

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President Donald Trump and the White House communications team revealed a covert U.S. Navy SEAL deployment during the president's visit with U.S. troops in Iraq.

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