Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Ruling With Chaos

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  • Buddy Black In one way or another, and like it or not, our financial lives revolve around the health of the Stock Market. Trump, 'The Incompetent' thinks that he alone knows more about it than any person alive.With one thoughtless tweet he plunges the market into chaos. But he doesn't stop there, he simply continues with his bombastic tweets which rattles investors far and wide, who scared as they can be, sell-off, and the market drops lower and lower. And yet, what has he actually done that has been materially good for America? How many millions and millions of Americans now discovered that their nest eggs for their future have been destroyed by this small minded, 'man-child's, temper tantrums. Is this 'really' what his Republican minions had in mind when they voted for this person? After all, they are now included in those millions of Americans whose $$$ has been drained due to their hero's antics. Still your 'hero' of choice? :/

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