Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Don't Eat The 'Dust'!

Holy Pontiff crappers! I was there just last week! Why didn't NASA post this very late now, 'warning' long before now?? Week before LAST would have been great! WTH!! But nooooo, they sit on their big fat ASSteroids, Moonwinked by the Milkyway, while gourging themselves on Rainbow Skittles while we unsuspecting, innocent space tourists kick up Celestial Dust on the dark side of the Moon! And all the while, there we were, just sucking in that, now we too lately learn, killer Stardust. Is it any wonder there's no intellegent life up there!? Oh, and it seems very little down here, by the way.
Obviously, this is the very last time I will visit that golden Orb, darkside or not. Now that I 'think' about it, I have been sorta mindboggled lately, chills, which I first attributed to the 25 degree weather outside, easily irritated by my ever faithful Border Collie, who for some strange reason this week has taken to howling at the moon and begging for 'Moonpies'. Oh dear, oh dear, what could the 'Quantum Matter' be? Once I was the 'man In The Moon', and now I'm simply Moonstruck by killer Moondust.

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Dreams of a lunar colony where people walk around on the dusty surface…

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