Monday, December 24, 2018

'Vlad', Is So Sad

Oh yeah, Mr. 'Turn tail and Run', your 'almost lover', Vlad, is just heart broken over the whole affair. Sad, so sad. 'Oh my', Vlad wonders, 'what in the world will I ever do with the whole of the Middle East that my former BFF has bequeathed me? Where will I put my warships, my fighter planes, my military bases, my missiles, my nukes, oh my, oh my, what to do now that it's mine, all mine?'
Yeah, he's about as sad as a gold miner who just hit the biggest gold strike ever. Yep, totally "not happy".
Our exceedingly incompetent President, our 'learned' 'Commander-In-Chief', has now told the whole world that America cannot be counted on to protect anyone, let alone ourselves. ISIS, and the Taliban, contrary to his constant lies, have Not been "defeated", nor "destroyed". Trump can't help but know this, yet, to garner a few votes from his ignorant base, he will continue to with draw America from the rest of the world and build a virtual 'wall' around America, and claim that by doing so he has made our nation 'safer'. The real danger we, and the world face is being 'ruled' by an incompetent man-child who has no clue as to what he is doing or the Consequences of his un-educated actions. A foolish man-child does foolish things. Trump is thus.

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President Donald Trump is facing backlash from Democrats and some members of his own political party after saying he will pull U.S. troops out of…

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