Saturday, December 15, 2018

"Let me say this about autism"

'Hey ya'll, if ya'll didn't know me before today, you certainly will after this little doo-dad.
I'm Republican U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Green, you might remember voting for me to 'represent' you, and be your 'intellegent' voice in all things that might affect your lives? Remember that? First, I want to thank you for that little mindless act, that will probably adversly affect you forever. Thanks loads. I know that you will be so very proud of me and your vote, which by now you'll wonder why you didn't give it to someone else. Right? I know that none of you are mentally able to think logically for yourselves, or you wouldn't have voted for me, and of course that's why you expect me to think for you, which may or may 'not' always work out in your favor.
Anyway, just the other day I was sitting around in my new political office with my head securely incased in my anus, and thought, hey, what can I do to show that I am more than well suited for the position my fans have bestowed upon me. Of course not being any kind of scientist, yet, as a recent military medical physician, I feel qualified to weigh in on stuff that I really know nothing about. But hey, that's why you voted for me, right? Now of course, I'll probably wind up 'back-walking' this because one or two ill informed, more than myself even, people, Democrats, will wind up whining just to make me look more ignorant than I might really be.
So, stand back while I do double-gainer back flip into the flaming dumpster of political hell.
Do you 'know', even as I don't, anything about 'autism'? Well, "Let me say this about autism," "I have committed to people in my community, up in Montgomery County, to stand on the CDC's desk and get the real data on vaccines. Because there is some concern that the rise in autism is the result of the preservatives that are in our vaccines." "There appears to be some evidence that as vaccine numbers increase, rates of autism increase,". Now, Is that crazy, or is it just 'Me'? Now, this has nothing to do with me being a close pal of President Trump, or being a good Trump minion, or being a self identified "creationist", and not believing in the 'Theory of Evolution', you know, crazy stuff like that. That stuff's just another part of me that will amaze you to no end the longer I'm in office, and the more I have control of your pitiful, hopeless, lives. So just wait for it. You ain't seen nothing yet.
Anyway, this is just me, your personal 'spokesperson', speaking for all Tennesseans, just letting the whole world 'know' how we all think about important issues in our learned State of Tennessee. Really.'
A Tennessee physician recently elected to Congress is being criticized by top state leaders for alleging without evidence that vaccines may cause autism.

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