Friday, December 7, 2018

The Human 'Trojan Horse'

Dear Rest of The World,
Please take a good look at this photo. Notice the 'man-child', sans adult supervision in the center of the photo, the one with yellow hair and stripped tie. Post this photo at every border crossing around the intellegent world. This 'man-child' masquerading as America's 'leader', may some day, maybe soon, seek asylum in your country (Russia, N. Korea, and Saudi Arabia are welcome to admit him). For all otherwise civilized countries, if you allow him entry to your peaceful country he will serially, and habitually, lie to you with nearly every breath he takes. He will promise you things he knows he cannot deliver, and of which he has no intent of delivering in the first place. He will cause massive, and irreparable harm, dissension, and division among your citizens and politicians, and will not hesitate about sewing mistrust and hate in order to cause distractions to mask his real goals of subjugation of your peoples or to draw legal attention away from himself. He will usurp your constitution to further his egotistic self, and use your own 'Law of The Land' against you while elevating himself, and entitled family, above the law where he will quitely become 'un-touchable' from the rule of established law. He will denigrate your female citizens, degrade and ridicule all ethnic groups, yet use them to further his goals by 'stealing' their votes, he will attempt to throttle your news media, destroy your environment by nulling your clean environmental laws. He will 'snuggle up' with the worlds worst despots, and cruel murderous dictators as he seems to see part of himself in their shadows. He will use, and abuse your countries religious groups as a faucet for 'votes' for his own self indulgence, all the while pretending to be part of their flock. He will bankrupt your nation both finacially and morally. He will then proclaim that he is "working hard", "busy important phone calls", and that his 'approval ratings' are the best ever in history, "huge numbers", and that "I try to tell the truth whenever possible". He will pretend to be your 'friend' and 'protector', but when it suits him best he will cast you aside like so much refuse, which to him is simply, 'taking out the trash'. To prevent future sorrow and regret, refuse to be his 'trash'. Beware, for he is a 'Trojan Horse' of the greatest, and most dangerous magnitude.

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