Friday, December 14, 2018

'The Environemental POLLUTION Agency'

What a clutch of absolutely brainless ignoramuses! These fools are ensuring that America will revert 'environmentally', back to the grossly polluted, stagnant landscape, and atmospheric conditions prior to the advent of 'The Environmental Protection Agency', now commonly known as, 'The Environmental POLLUTION Agency'. If Americans continue to snuggle their clueless heads in their butts, while Trump, 'The De-Constructionist', and his sightless minions, destroy our Nation, then we shall deserve every polluted drop of water, and every polutted breathe of stagnant air that he feeds us.

About this website
The Trump administration wants to substantially limit which waterways are protected under the Clean Water Act. Farmers and developers have long lobbied against the current rule as too expansive.

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