Thursday, December 27, 2018

Bye, Bye, Cruel World

'Friends to the end', or at least until Trump, 'The Bail-out King', says 'bye bye suckers'. And with this, he is telling the Kurds, and the world, that they can no longer trust America nor count on America's help with their security, no matter where, or who, they are. It's a sad indictment on America when the rest of the world begins 'trusting' Russia, over America. I hope to be wrong but, Russia will now take the place of America as 'World Leader'. Iraq will be the next place we drop like a hot potato, and already Afghanistan is half way gone. Vlad is crying like a little baby about the presence of US troops in South Korea and Okinawa, so it wont be long before Trump 'caves' there as well. This is Trumps method of avoiding conflict with his almost lover, Vlad. No need to confront him when Trump can simply walk away and let him have the rest of the world as his personal play pen. Parting is such sweet sorrow, as according to Trump, Russia is sad to see us leave.
Trump believes that Russia is no threat to America, and of course he also, in his own small minded way, believes that ISIS and Taliban have been totally destroyed, and that they too pose no danger to America. Trump lives in his own little "Alternative Facts" bubble world, so it's no surprise that he is busy building a 'wall' around America. We don't need an 'enemy', we already have an "enemy of the people" pretending to be 'Presidential'.

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Alarmed by a U.S. decision to leave Syria, Kurdish leaders who run much of the n...

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