Sunday, December 16, 2018

Shhhh, "Hush" Now

'Michael who? Oh, 'That' guy. Yeah, I've heard his name somewhere. He's that rat fink jailbird, right? I'll make sure he gets the 'right' kind of cell-mate. Disgusting person. Weak. What a lousy liar! "Hush" money, don't even know what that is!  His lies are so unbelievable! Who taught him how to lie!? Rookie! I could do better than that with my eyes closed, and my wrists handcuffed behind me! Really. But I'm not like that. If I was gonna tell a lie, which as we all know, I 'never' do, unless I have to, I could come up with something way more distracting that that "fake news". Way more, and more often too. I don't trust that guy. Gonna sue the head hunter outfit that hired him! Can't trust anyone any more! "In retrospect, I made a mistake" in hiring Cohen. "I hire usually good people." Honest, I really do. Well, except maybe for all those "swamp" rats that have forced me to fire them, and those whose lives I made so miserable that they bailed on me, and then 'flipped' on me like a dying fish. "Fake news"! I try to find employees that are "just like me", you know, trustworthy, helpful, law abiding, friends to the end, wealthy (but not more than me), smart, but it's so hard to find people with my own godly attributes. "I want somebody that's strong," "But I want somebody that thinks like I do". You know, perfect 'minions', 'yes' people that follow my orders and never write anything down, never record meetings, keep their mouths shut and plead the 5th, and never mention my name in front of Mueller. Where's jesus when I need him?
Hey, how about that huge Tariff deal I forced China to agree to! Am I good or what!? That's a statement, not a question. Yeah, generated 11 billion dollars for our farners. They are rolling in the dough now! They love me. I'll get their votes for sure!
And how about that disgusting GM? I will bully them until they either go out of business, or open all those plants back up and manufacture millions of cars that no one wants any more! It doesn't matter if no one actually 'buys' their cars as long as people have those high paying jobs there. They know nothing about economics! I can actually control, with my nocturnal tweets, their stock market value! Now that's 'power'! I know more about how to, a business than they'll ever hope to know! I have a "very large brain". Well, gotta run now, must find some pristine lakes and rivers to pollute with coal tar run-off, clean skies to spew toxic waste in to. Busy, busy, but this isn't about Me, me, it?'

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