Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A 'Fools' Errand

A 'Fool' on a fools errand, can only result in foolish things. Trump, 'The Dis-believer', after touting, "I want absolutely crystal clear water and I want the cleanest air on the planet and our air now is cleaner than it's ever been.", now strives to give us just the opposite, just because he can.
So, now, upon using his very 'scientific', "large brain" logic, that "our air now is cleaner than it's ever been", he thinks that it is now time to start once again fouling our "air" and "water", so that he can add that little act to his disgusting 'legacy'.
If Americans, and our politicians stand by and allow this dysfunctional buffoon to continue with the deconstruction of, and destroying our Nation, then we shall deserve all that comes with it.

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“The Arctic is shouting that something needs to be done," said Rafe Pomerance, chairman of Arctic 21.

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