Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Former Friends, Now Enemies

Dear President, 'Presidentially correct', Trump, Congratulations, you have apparently birthed another 'Enemy' that we'll wind up defending ourselves from. Your incredible 'diplomatic expertise' is beyond parallel. No one can destroy America, the clever way you can. Singlehandedly, you have managed to do what no one else has been idiotic enough to do. And no, contrary to your delusional dreams and "fake news" assertions, you have not garnered the "respect" of the rest of the world. You have Not made neither America, nor the rest of the world, a "safer" place to live. Not now. Not ever.
You should do the right and only logical thing, Resign from the Office of The President, and in this simple, humane act you will at last, "Make America Great Again".

About this website
After President Trump's decision to pull out U.S. troops, residents of northeastern Syria tell NPR they feel betrayed. Syrians, led by Kurdish fighters, have lost thousands in the fight against ISIS.

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