Monday, December 31, 2018

'Please Pick Me Mr. Trump'

It 'appears' that Lindsey has been designated as Trump's substitute 'spokesman' for his verbal 'sluge' factory. Lindsey seems to be casting his 'lucky' penny down the political wishing well, as his trembling lips dribble his wish of the future; 'oh please Mr. Trump, pick me, your ever faithful man-child-servant, as your Vice President, please, pleasssse'.
So unbecoming of a 'man-child' minder.

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Graham said Trump told him "some things I didn't know that make me feel a…

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Making Friends, And Influencing Enemies

And so goes our 'Bully-boy', Commander-In-Chief, busy at making 'friends, and influencing 'enemies', as he is so want to do. No need to be diplomatic when you can just be a poster child for Incompetency. Russia, China, and North Korea are already making inroads in these, and other South American countries, and Mr. 'Incompetent' is basically telling them that they should now pick 'real' dictators that they can 'depend' on instead of one that can only pretend at it. Trump, 'The Isolationist Man-Child', thinks that isolating America from the rest of the world is a 'good thing' for America. 'He', and only he 'knows' how to get along without the bother of the rest of the world, and he is willing to build a 'wall' around our nation no matter that in doing so it simply makes us a weaker nation where no other country respects or looks up to weakness.
Trump has proven that he is not mentally capable, nor competent, to hold the position as our Commander-In-Chief.
This is why un-supervised 'children' should never be allowed to 'play' at being the 'President' of Anything. What a sad, lonely, little boy, riding on the hip of his wet-nurse, Sara, while busily finding new ways to destroy our country.

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President Trump said Friday that the U.S. would cut off aid to three Central American countries that are “doing nothing for the United States but taking our money.”

The 'Atmosphere' Is Cloudy

If anyone with even an iota of brain matter still continues to 'vote' for their failed hero, Trump, 'The Incompetent', after this debacle, then we have surely met the 'enemy'.

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Congress had until midnight Friday to avert the partial shutdown.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

'No Kidding, I 'Really' Was'

And so, 'it' begins. Just another Trump 'minion', following his 'leaders' lead. If you don't have anything 'truthful' to say, just tell a 'lie'. No one will notice, no one will pay any attention, and then, just go on to another lie so that it overs up the former one. Welcome to the new 'Swamp' new hires. Different 'swamp' critters, same ol' 'swamp' critter crap.

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Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker falsely claimed on his resume and on government documents that he was named an Academic All-American when he played football at the University of Iowa, acco…

Smile For Our Enemies, Boys

Trump, 'The utterly Incompetent', visited our troops in Iraq, a visit that 'should' have been about our hard working troops, but instead, he not surprisingly, made it a vote garnering, political, and campaign tour which turned out to be, as usual, all about Trump, and his Me, me, me, it's all about me, ego.
And then, not to be outdone with that little ego stunt, he managed to show the world, friends and mostly enemies alike, actual photos of Navy Seal Team members which will no doubt have his pal Vlad and ISIS, yes Mr. Trump, contrary to your bogus assertions they still exist, you have Not destroyed them, scrambling to put names to faces. Another "make America great again" 'accomplishment' by our un-learned Commander-In-Chief. This is why incompetent 'children' should always be supervised by a competent 'babysitter'.

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President Donald Trump and the White House communications team revealed a covert U.S. Navy SEAL deployment during the president's visit with U.S. troops in Iraq.

Bye, Bye, Cruel World

'Friends to the end', or at least until Trump, 'The Bail-out King', says 'bye bye suckers'. And with this, he is telling the Kurds, and the world, that they can no longer trust America nor count on America's help with their security, no matter where, or who, they are. It's a sad indictment on America when the rest of the world begins 'trusting' Russia, over America. I hope to be wrong but, Russia will now take the place of America as 'World Leader'. Iraq will be the next place we drop like a hot potato, and already Afghanistan is half way gone. Vlad is crying like a little baby about the presence of US troops in South Korea and Okinawa, so it wont be long before Trump 'caves' there as well. This is Trumps method of avoiding conflict with his almost lover, Vlad. No need to confront him when Trump can simply walk away and let him have the rest of the world as his personal play pen. Parting is such sweet sorrow, as according to Trump, Russia is sad to see us leave.
Trump believes that Russia is no threat to America, and of course he also, in his own small minded way, believes that ISIS and Taliban have been totally destroyed, and that they too pose no danger to America. Trump lives in his own little "Alternative Facts" bubble world, so it's no surprise that he is busy building a 'wall' around America. We don't need an 'enemy', we already have an "enemy of the people" pretending to be 'Presidential'.

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Alarmed by a U.S. decision to leave Syria, Kurdish leaders who run much of the n...

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

I'm Secretary of What!??

Well, that's just Trump, 'The Incompetent', showing the world his 'business man' "gut feeling", hiring technique. Hire the also 'incompetent', then, when they can't figure out what to do, and suffer untold harassment from their 'boss', they quit, just ahead of being, "You're fired", and then getting all the blame for screwing up. This, is Trumps way, in his "very large brain", of being "very Presidential". Everyone can sleep easy now, Trump 'has the watch'.
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With Defense Secretary James Mattis on his way out two months earlier than planned, Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan will take the reins of the government's largest and most complex agency with no military and foreign policy experience.

Ruling With Chaos

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  • Buddy Black In one way or another, and like it or not, our financial lives revolve around the health of the Stock Market. Trump, 'The Incompetent' thinks that he alone knows more about it than any person alive.With one thoughtless tweet he plunges the market into chaos. But he doesn't stop there, he simply continues with his bombastic tweets which rattles investors far and wide, who scared as they can be, sell-off, and the market drops lower and lower. And yet, what has he actually done that has been materially good for America? How many millions and millions of Americans now discovered that their nest eggs for their future have been destroyed by this small minded, 'man-child's, temper tantrums. Is this 'really' what his Republican minions had in mind when they voted for this person? After all, they are now included in those millions of Americans whose $$$ has been drained due to their hero's antics. Still your 'hero' of choice? :/

Former Friends, Now Enemies

Dear President, 'Presidentially correct', Trump, Congratulations, you have apparently birthed another 'Enemy' that we'll wind up defending ourselves from. Your incredible 'diplomatic expertise' is beyond parallel. No one can destroy America, the clever way you can. Singlehandedly, you have managed to do what no one else has been idiotic enough to do. And no, contrary to your delusional dreams and "fake news" assertions, you have not garnered the "respect" of the rest of the world. You have Not made neither America, nor the rest of the world, a "safer" place to live. Not now. Not ever.
You should do the right and only logical thing, Resign from the Office of The President, and in this simple, humane act you will at last, "Make America Great Again".

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After President Trump's decision to pull out U.S. troops, residents of northeastern Syria tell NPR they feel betrayed. Syrians, led by Kurdish fighters, have lost thousands in the fight against ISIS.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Last Man(child) Standing

Well, Mr. President, it looks like you will soon be 'last man standing', and you will have your wish of ruining, errr.. running, the government all by your lonesome, pitifully incompetent, self. And of course, your latest new hire Matt Whitaker will take only so much of your insults and lack of confidence, and will also be out the door, leaving another important void to be filled. And so it goes. Here's a clue for you on getting things done using 'Team Work' method of governing; 'Team Work', there is no 'ME, MYSELF, OR I', in the theory and application of 'Team Work'. To you, the whole world is about 'Me, me, me'. That has never worked out well for anyone in the past, and it will not work out well, as you can clearly see, for you, not now, not ever. You were a lousy 'businessman', and now a lousy 'President', and there is nothing that can change that. You are what you are, it is what it is. We realize, as you have so ignorantly failed to do, that you are simply an empty, lonely, 'man-child', in over your flaxen head, and way out of your element, and it's way past time for you to read, or have an adult read it to you, the 'Writing on the wall', and RESIGN yourself, for the betterment of our Nation, from the Office of The President. At last, actually do something that can finally be called, 'Presidential', and RESIGN, and the whole world will at last be 'proud' of your very first, most important, your last, and your final, 'accomplishment', as the incompetent 'leader' of America.  /: /:

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Brett McGurk resigns over President Trump's decision to pull troops out of…

'Vlad', Is So Sad

Oh yeah, Mr. 'Turn tail and Run', your 'almost lover', Vlad, is just heart broken over the whole affair. Sad, so sad. 'Oh my', Vlad wonders, 'what in the world will I ever do with the whole of the Middle East that my former BFF has bequeathed me? Where will I put my warships, my fighter planes, my military bases, my missiles, my nukes, oh my, oh my, what to do now that it's mine, all mine?'
Yeah, he's about as sad as a gold miner who just hit the biggest gold strike ever. Yep, totally "not happy".
Our exceedingly incompetent President, our 'learned' 'Commander-In-Chief', has now told the whole world that America cannot be counted on to protect anyone, let alone ourselves. ISIS, and the Taliban, contrary to his constant lies, have Not been "defeated", nor "destroyed". Trump can't help but know this, yet, to garner a few votes from his ignorant base, he will continue to with draw America from the rest of the world and build a virtual 'wall' around America, and claim that by doing so he has made our nation 'safer'. The real danger we, and the world face is being 'ruled' by an incompetent man-child who has no clue as to what he is doing or the Consequences of his un-educated actions. A foolish man-child does foolish things. Trump is thus.

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President Donald Trump is facing backlash from Democrats and some members of his own political party after saying he will pull U.S. troops out of…

Friday, December 21, 2018

Dear Vlad..

'Dear Vlad, still my special BFF-FWB,
Merry Christmas! I'm sorry I have not been able to even secretly communicate with you lately. Things, like my butt for instance, are pretty 'hot' around here what with that disgusting Mueller on the warpath 24/7. Please know that you are still, and always have been, my most favorite despot in the whole wide world. Nobody 'builds' nations the way you do. You just have that special knack for convincing even your enemies to love and respect you, something I get nothing of around here. I don't know 'why' Americans dislike me so! According to my own polls, I'm the best president they have ever been 'ruled' by. Great numbers! Incredible! Huge! Un-believeable!
I wish I could be 'King of America'. You once promised to show me how to get there, but now, try as I may, it looks hopeless. But, I'm as good a ' democratic dictator' as I can possibly be at this point in my astounding political career.
As it is, I control just about every aspect of my serfs lives. I have more power, and less accountability that any human in America. I can do, and especially 'say', anything, no matter how disgusting it may be, that I want to, and no one can stop me, and I never have to say that horrible phrase, 'I'm Sorry'. America's lame Constitution, which I view as simply a 'suggestion box', has so many holes in it that a blind elephant could jump through it! What a joke! It protects me from being arrested, can't be charged with an actual 'crime', I don't have to answer to anyone about anything I do or have ever done, and believe me I'm not done yet, I can control, and even destroy the Stock Market with a single 'Tweet', as well as any company or person I dislike, and no one even blinks an eye at it. I didn't even have to take a Psychological exam to get this job! Is that 'crazy' or is it just Me!? What a hoot! I don't need military, economic, finacial, or personal 'advisors', I 'know' more about everything than they can ever hope to know. I don't need Congress, except their votes which they dare not withhold, in fact, I don't need, or even want, anyone to help me ruin, errr, run this country, I can do it by myself. All I need is, Me, Myself, and I. I'm my own government, a one man traveling show. Everyone, even my minions, are totally afraid to buck me, and just look the other way at my incredible, mental aberrations. I 'own' the Supreme Court', they all owe me big time payback. I 'control' the media outlets such as 'Fox', and all the others soon. Hmmm..I guess I'm a pretty good 'bad' 'dictator' after all.
Well, anyway, what I wanted to tell you is, Merry Christmas. My present to you this year is one I know you'll really love. I'm giving you the whole Middle East just to show you how much I miss you! Yep, that's right, you heard me correctly Vlad! All of it, just like we 'talked' about a long time ago. I'm pulling our troops out of there! Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, any place that is covered in sand is now your own private 'playground'. Disgusting people, who needs them anyway!? Not America! Our job is done there anyway. I've singlehandidly, totally 'destroyed' ISIS and the Taliban, I hear they have incorporated as a 'Boy Scout' troop. Lesson learned chumps, don't mess with America! Pretty soon, at your private insistance, I'll be giving up and pulling out in places like Japan, Okinawa, South Korea, and your special place, the Ukrainian Peninsula. Such whinners! I'm convinced that the best policy for America is 'Isolationism'. I'm gonna build a virtual, and physical 'wall' all around The United States. Nobody comes in, no one goes out. My own little dysfunctional, just like my self, country.
Well, Vlad, I must be 'off', things to mess up, lives to ruin, gotta re-build this broken nation and mold it into my own wonderful image. Happy New Year Pal!'


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Afghan officials and America's Western partners reacted with unease on Frid...

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Yes, 'Adrian', Anythings "Possible"

Well, of Course it's "possible". It's also "possible" to inject yourself with a dumpster full of 'Trump-Tweets', and a cave full of 'Brown Bat' crap, and the results would be about the same, but what would be the point? What he'll probably get from this is a cellular level battle between Militant Evangelicals, and Militant Muslims over who's 'god is the actual holy one'. He'll just be destroyed from with-in. And the 'war' of 'religion' goes on. This "Biohacker" simply proves the point that there really is no cure for stupid.

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Adrien Locatelli, from Grenoble in France, translated religious passages into DNA code to build unknown proteins which he then injected into his body.

You Are Forgiven...Really, Not Kidding

There! Let that be a 'lesson' well 'learned', you, you, rascals you! Trump, 'The Lesson Giver', really fixed your butts real good he did. You'll never forget this 'severe' punishment for...well, at least until no one's looking again. This will send (not) a big lesson to the rest of the whole wide world that you can be 1/2 forgiven for your sins, and then life goes on as usual.

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The Trump administration is ready to remove sanctions on Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska’s aluminum company, United Co. Rusal, after reaching an agreement to significantly reduce his ownership stake.

On The Brink Of Extinction?

Well actually, who 'knows', as there would then be no one left to determine such.

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Our species possesses inherent value, but we are devastating the earth…

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"Missile Food For Thought"

'Ahhh, yes, Ruska gladly feed USA plenty good "New Missile" food. Make you 'think' like crazy! Just ask any country, especially weak, defenseless one, you 'know', like Ukraine, Syria, places like that, how they like 'missile' food. Great for weak people, grow big and strong like me. I show you viral picture of my manly, nearly naked self riding big Russian stud horse. Every 'wise' Russian 'love' me. Ya, USA, missile "food for thought", I make 'you' love me, or maybe you be sorry maybe. Why no hear from my almost lover, my nearly BFF-FWB no more? Donnieboy, call secret phone, still love you much.
ps; Не волнуйся, я не целую и рассказываю отвратительный мистер Флинн! '  

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A new missile system should give Western powers pause before they threaten Russia, Vladimir Putin told his defense advisers in Moscow on Tuesday.

Just Call Me 'Stunned'

OMG! OMG! HJC! Just call me 'stunned'! Absolutely 'stunned'! I have never in my wildest dreams (early '70's, via 'brownies') have I ever seen such horribly, eye watering, mind boggling monstrosities flitting about in intersteller space as can be seen from this 'authentic' NASA photograph! I almost wish I had never seen it, because now, I'll never be able to un-see it no matter how often I scrub my soiled eyeballs with 'Jupiter-Fresh Eye Wash and Memory Eraser'. Will I ever sleep the sleep of babes again?

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Images revealed during NASA's Juno mission have captivated the internet.