Monday, June 29, 2020

"Nobody briefed or told me", Really.

'Of course, as we all 'know', and I'll just keep saying it until the 'truth' actually comes out, "Nobody briefed or told me, @VP Pence, or Chief of Staff @MarkMeadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians," really, I'm not kidding! Remember when I said that, "I try to be truthful when I can"? Trust me on this one folks, I'm pretty sure that I'm telling the 'truth', as I know it, this time. Sure, there's been one or two times in the last four years where I've had to lie, mostly in the name of 'national security' of course, but those don't really count, do they? This time though, it's different! 'Really' different.
"Everybody denying it"!  'Everybody, I tell you, "everybody"! My BFF Vlad, 'The Nation Builder', great family guy, loved by all his subjects, tells me that it's all one big "hoax", nothing to worry about. I gotta believe him! He's never lied to me, much, before. Really. If he say's it ain't so, then that's good enough for me. And there's other 'everybody's' too. VP pence say's it's a lie. Barr say's it's a lie. McConnell say's it's a lie. Every Republican say's so. All my cult followers say so, and boy do they ever know a lie when they hear one! And, lets see now, there's Jarrod, my hottie wife, my whole family actually, well, except for my niece that's trying to ruin me with her lying book. See ya in court, blabber mouth!
Anyway, I didn't ever know about this bounty thing. Why didn't someone tell me!??? How could I 'possibly' not ever know about this? I mean how?? I'm the 'president, right!? Shouldn't I be aware of these things? Isn't that my sworn duty as 'president'? Can you believe it? Of all the people to not know of something as serious as this! I'm the 'last' to know. What are the chances of that? I mean, really!? Unbelievable! I bet every American is just as 'surprised' as I, myself am. Right? Right?'  :/

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Sunday, June 28, 2020


While the incompetent trump, America's disgusting 'Wanna-be Dictator', was busy blindly courting, and totally sucking up to his longtime BFF-FWB, Putin, the 'Nation Builder', and extolling his bunk buddies virtues, Putin, like the brutal dictator he surely is, was busy murdering American and coalition troops.
Upon learning of this egregious treachery, a 'real' President, and Commander-In-Chief of The United States of America, would renounce, and retaliate against Putin. However, do not expect such from trump, the 'Boy-King', who instead will proclaim that his BFF would never do such an unthinkable act, and that the lying media has simply created yet another "hoax" in attempts at making them both, look bad, as if they could possibly look any worse than they constantly make themselves.


Friday, June 26, 2020

"Frankly, I didn't understand what they were thinking"

Devoted trump, 'The incompetent', minions, and 'middle finger puppets', Cruz and Cornyn, momentarily pulled their saw dust filled heads from their puppet masters arse, and proudly exclaimed in unison, "Frankly, I didn't understand what they were thinking", referring to their masters decision to pull federal funds from the coronavirus program, money so desperately needed in the fight against that nasty virus that's trying to kill Americans left and right.
Then after gasping from the effects of fresh air and a single lucid thought, their puppet master pulled their strings and up and away they went back into the bowels of the beast. And then all was quiet, they had done their job, and the Republicans in Texass went 'Yi-Haaa!', Clap, clap, clap.


Just Another of trump's Wanna-be BFF-FWB's

Just another one of trump's, 'The Lover of Bad Boys', hope to be, BFF-FWB. Only trump, 'The Clueless', would invite a War Crimes suspect to sully the halls of our Nations Capital! Here is just another example of a trump distraction. Apparently he doesn't realize that Thaci can't even 'vote' in America. Silly baby boy!
Mr. Thaci, who is scheduled to visit the White House on Saturday, was charged alongside nine others with crimes against humanity over actions during the 1998-99 war with Serbia.
Just another one of trump's, 'The Lover of Bad Boys', hope to be, BFF-FWB. Only trump, 'The Clueless', would invite a War Crimes suspect to sully the halls of our Nations Capital! Here is just another example of a trump distraction. Apparently he doesn't realize that Thaci can't even 'vote' in America. Silly baby boy!


Kosovo President charged with war crimes cancels White House visit...
By Laura Smith-Spark, Lauren Kent and Michael Callahan, CNN

Updated 4:48 PM ET, Thu June 25, 2020

(CNN) — Kosovan President Hashim Thaci has been indicted for war crimes allegedly committed during the Kosovo conflict in the late 1990s, leading him to cancel a planned trip to the White House this weekend for talks with Serbian leaders.
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  • Buddy Black Upon learning of his BFF's cancelled visit, trump, 'The Boy-King', and quasi 'Dictator' of America, was heard pitching a pissy-fit in the Oval Office, at one point even soiling his 'presidential' pull-ups, and yelling in deaf ears that, 'This is another international hoax generated by CNN, Hillary, and the Democrats to make me look bad. Hashim is not all that bad! He's done great things, things we've never heard of, for his subjects, sure he may have found it necessary to murder a few detractors here and there, mostly in Serbia, but hey, who hasn't, right? After all, great 'leaders' sometimes must be ruthless murders but that doesn't make them all 'bad', they're actually "really good people", as far as I know. Right?' ;)

Thursday, June 25, 2020

And 'now', what she 'really' meant with her 'apology'

And 'now', what she 'really' meant with her 'apology'

'Yeah, like, when I said, “I will teach my grandkids to hate you all,” I didn't mean 'everyone'. I mean, 'everyone'? Really? I mean who does that? Besides, I've already fried their little brains, and now they are card carrying little Klan Kiddie members. And no, I don't 'really' subscribe to the "KKK" doctrine. I mean, I don't even hardly know what those three letters "KKK" stand for. Some sort of 'social' club, right?
Just let me say that this whole thing got blowed right out proportion. The media made a big deal out of a small incident by misconstruing my words. They shouldn't be allowed to put 'words' in my 'innocent' mouth!
Oh, and another thing, "I was chanting Black Lives Matter… and that’s not even on video,” “It’s like I blacked out. I don’t even remember.”   Really! I was! Honest! Just watch the video! You'll 'see' what I was 'really' doing! I mean, hey, I support 'those' kind of people, but mostly good, upstanding white people. I sure wish I hadn't, sorta, "blacked out" there, so I could "remember" stuff that happened when those coloured people practically attacked me, forcing me to verbally defend myself. “I mean, if it would help for me to stand with Black Lives Matter, I absolutely would do that.” Really.
Anyway, just wanted to say "sorry". My big fat mouth always the rest of me in deep shit, you know, like right now.
"Again I am so so sorry because that is not who I am. I would never ever want to see anyone hurt and I don’t care who they are.” Yeah, I'd probably just look the other way if some of them was getting "hurt". "I would never want to see.." that.
So there! I sure feel better now that I have "learned a lesson" from this. Probably wear a full face mask next time.
Well gotta run. Gotta 'social club' meeting I must attend, gotta iron some 'sheets' first. Bye, bye  ya'll!' ;)

Missouri woman who shouted ‘KKK belief’ at BLM protest apologizes: ‘I don’t represent hate’


by: Collin Lingo and Nexstar Media Wire

 Posted: Jun 25, 2020 / 04:17 AM EDT / Updated: Jun 25, 2020 / 09:48 AM EDT

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KOLR) – A Missouri woman is apologizing for the “ugly” things she said in a now-viral video recorded at a local Black Lives Matter protest.
The video, which surfaced on Monday, isn’t long. It only runs about 35 seconds. In it, Kathy Jenkins sits and later stands on the bed of a pickup truck while holding and dancing with a Confederate flag.
“I will teach my grandkids to hate you all,” she says to someone off camera. She later raises her fist and declares “KKK belief.”
Since the video surfaced, Kathy says she’s been locked out of Facebook and fired from her job (a punishment she says she deserved). She says she’s been the target of a few threats and she says even her friends are being threatened.
When she called sister station KOLR, she wouldn’t even say where she was calling from; only specifying that she has left Branson, her home of six years.
The call was a response to what she describes as a misunderstood portion of her day that was caught on video.
“I was chanting Black Lives Matter… and that’s not even on video,” she said on Wednesday. “It’s like I blacked out. I don’t even remember.”
Jenkins said she was only there in the parking lot of Dixie Outfitters to observe the nearby Black Lives Matter protest.
“I’ve never been to one,” she said. “I just wanted to see what the rally was all about.”
She said while watching from the other side of the street someone handed her a Confederate flag. She claims she didn’t fully know what it represented but assumed it was a symbol of unity. She also said she was in the bed of a truck belonging to someone she didn’t know.
Later, when people from the other side of the street approached her, she says she lost her temper.
“I hadn’t said anything until they came into my face … it’s like I blacked out. I don’t even remember saying half the stuff that I said.”
As for the part about holding the same beliefs as the Ku Klux Klan, she said she was mocking the people who approached her.
“I wasn’t saying I’m KKK or for the KKK. I was mocking them because I don’t like being called a racist,” she said.
Now she’s apologizing.
Along with vowing to never hold another Confederate flag, Jenkins is offering both lamentations and her time to the people she offended.
“I’m so, so sorry,” she said Wednesday. “I mean, if it would help for me to stand with Black Lives Matter, I absolutely would do that.”
Below you can read a full apology written by Kathy Jenkins:
"As many of you know I am Kathy. I just wanted to start with saying that I am truly deeply sorry for what I said. This isn’t who I am as a person. I obviously cannot take back what I said. I can only learn from this. I want to make it clear. I am not teaching my children or grandchildren to hate anyone. No one. Ever. I’ve always taught them to respect and love anyone no matter the race. I’ve always taught them to treat people with the same respect as they would want to be treated. My words and actions have been a learning experience. Not only did I learn from this, but I hope this message helps others that they cannot take back what they have said. Again I am so so sorry because that is not who I am. I would never ever want to see anyone hurt and I don’t care who they are.”
--Kathy Jenkins

Monday, June 22, 2020

"You ain't seen nothing yet".

The 'Boy-Kings' only 'loyalty' is to his own personal 'brand', and he does not subscribe to the notion that 'blood is thicker than family'. He will not hesitate to 'destroy' even a close relative if it means preventing the world from knowing what he is really like, as if we can't see that already.
Mary Trump will no doubt publish her tell-all book regardless of the threats from her incompetent, bully uncle. Then the world will see just how vicious he can be, even with his own relatives.
 The only difference between trump, 'The Wanna-be Dictator', and his BFF- FWB dictator of N. Korea, is that trump can't line his relatives, and other enemies, against a wall in front of a firing squad. Yet. But he 'can' try to 'tweet' them to death. Stay tuned, as he once proudly proclaimed, "you ain't seen nothing yet".


'Thanks For Coming Folks'

'Incredible numbers! Never seen before! More people than Lincoln could ever draw! I counted thousands and thousands, more than I could count on one hand! Unbelievable numbers! What a turnout! Thank you, thank you fellow trumpers! You really know how to make a guy 'happy'. And thank you to all of you that refused to wear that stupid mask. My pal pence was really happy because he "could look you right in the eye"! Did I mention that 'testing' is way over rated? I'm pretty 'sur...e' that 'testing' causes the virus to spread like a wildfire. Everyone, repeat after me, 'No more testing, no more testing, no more testing'! Be like 'me' folks! You can 'trust' me like there's no tomorrow! Remember, I'll only lie to you when I have to. Really! And that's the 'truth'. Honest.
Well, thanks for coming. How about a big round of applause for your 'Leader-In-Chief'....'clap, clap...'

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'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 15

'Ask Buddy', Installment Number 15

Dear Buddy,
Perhaps you can settle a personal quandary of mine.
'Myself' and my two friends are at odds with one another over the craziest thing.
First though, speaking for only 'myself', let me assure you that 'I' am not the least bit 'crazy', although some of my friends call might 'me' so, but I'm not too sure that my friends aren't. In fact, 'I' am told even by complete strangers, some perhaps more stranger than 'myself', that 'I' am the smartest of the three of us. But then, that's just 'me'.
Anyway, here's my quandary;
'I' am an avowed 'flat earther'. 'I' know, 'I' know, call 'me' crazy if you must, but it is what it surely is. Right? Now, my two 'friends' , who I'm pretty sure, really 'are' crazy, are just as adamant that the earth, according to 'me', is more like a football shape, or perhaps, as 'I' proffers, like an up-side-soup down bowl. Of course, as 'myself', and we all 'know', they are as wrong as the day is long.
Buddy, you strike 'me' as a fairly astute sort of person so, again, speaking only for 'myself', although this is not just about 'me', which do you think of the three of us, 'me, myself or I', is the craziest?
We await with baited breathe for your speedy answer,
'Me, Myself, and I', in the 'Show Me State' of Missouri

Dear 'Me, Myself and I',
Abstractly speaking, it has taken me a few minutes to wrap my discombobulated mind around this one!
First, I have a question that has nothing to do with my answer to 'your' question; What in the hell kind of mind altering medication are you taking!????
Now, I will try to answer your question. It appears that there certainly is a 'conflict' of sorts among you and your 'friends', as you call them. And while it's clear that all three of 'you' are probably crazy as a kangaroo on speed, far be it from me to hang that title on any of you when simply 'mentioning' it should suffice. I have consulted with my 'Ouija Board', and it appears that all three of 'you' are just as I suspected. I suggest that the three of 'you', or perhaps just 'yourself', take a trip to where 'you' think the edge of the earth may be, then go a little further yet. I may not hear from 'you' again, so, send pics.
May your earth gods be with you.

Friday, June 19, 2020

'Superstitions' Can Be A Deadly Thing indeed

Oh my! How very 'predictable'.
And a murmur rippled through the surviving congregation, 'The lord has his reasons, the lord has his reasons, praise the lord', and then they secretly prayed for deliverance from their self induced 'plague', but also predictably, their 'prayers' fell on the invisble, and deaf ears of their mythical messiah.
'Superstitions' can be a deadly thing indeed.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

'I made Juneteenth very famous', Say's The Boy-King

'Yeah, see, here's the thing about that. Very few people of color, you know, 'Black' people, hardly any actually, not many at all probably, even 'knew' anything about 'Juneteenth', or whatever it's called. But a long time ago, maybe weeks or longer ago, I had laid a very smart-brained plan to make it famous so that all my Black friends could have someone to thank for it. And vote for me. I could see that even among Black people there was hardly 'any' interest in that historical event of long ago, and I knew that it was up to me, their messiah, to make it famous. 
 See, first, I let it be known that I planned to have a very huge rally for all my wonderful cult followers. Then I casually 'mentioned' that maybe we'd do it on the same day that a few Black people would be celebrating that Juneteenth thing. I 'knew' that the Democrats would raise holy hell over that one, and sure enough they riled up some Black people who protested my 'plans', just as I knew they would. Then, just as I 'planned', it got really big, huge, like no one ever seen before, and just like that, everyone on the planet instantly became aware of it. Then, cleverly, I changed the rally date to the next day "out of respect", which makes 'me' look like a wonderfully benevolent 'leader' who hasn't got a 'racial' bone in my body, well except for that infamous 'bone spur' in my heel.
 But this isn't about 'me' is it? No, not at all! It's about America's President pandering for the Black vote in November by making "..Juneteenth very famous". 
 But that just me doing what I do best. And remember my also infamous words, "I always try to be truthful", you know, like right now. Really. Someone once said, 'it's better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all', and right now, I'm trying really hard to 'tell the truth'. Honest, you can believe me this time.'

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

No Cure For 'Stupid'

pence, 'The Bible Thumper VP', proclaims; "..there is "no second wave" of coronavirus".
Well, no shit sherlock! Of 'course' there's no "second wave", yet, simply because the 'First' wave has not finished with us yet! For anyone who blindly wonders what it would be like if pence, 'The Just As Moronic', were President, wonder no more. If you think it's bad under trump, 'The Denier', pence would make trump look like a 'prize'. Again, there is no cure for 'stupid'.
Vice President Mike Pence, the leader of the administration's coronavirus task force, is publicly painting a rosy picture of the pandemic through his words and actions amid President Donald Trump's push to reopen the country and resume campaigning.