Monday, July 1, 2019

'Whitewashing' American History

Nothing like a little 'whitewashing' of American history than the whitewashing of a mural that depicts actual American history. Arnautoff, communist or not, simply painted what he saw as the real events in America's theft of this part of North America. Indeed Washington did own Slaves, indeed Americans in the Slave owning states did own Slaves, you know, those Black human being who were stolen from their own homelands, and shipped like 'cargo' to the Americas where they were sold into Slavery for about 285 years, and indeed the freshly arrived, and even much later, white Europeans in their greed to own the land of our Native American's did commit murder, rape, pillage, theft, and commit genocide, and never to forget atrocities of those Native Aborigines on a massive scale all across this 'Land of The Free'. And all Arnautoff did was to paint that reality in its stark reminder to currant American's that this is how 'America', became so. He did not, contrary to the school boards assertions, "glorify" Slavery or the killing of Native Americans, he just painted it the way it happened. So yeah, in their own little 'guiltless' white minds about what their own forefathers may have had a dirty hand in, they have jumped on the 'whitewash' campaign wagon to 'rewrite' American history by 'whitewashing' it, and denying that it ever happened in the first place. What next will face the bristles of the 'whitewash' brush?

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The school board has voted to destroy public murals by a New Deal-era…

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