Thursday, July 18, 2019

Oooooo, Those 'Terrible BC's

Cat crap! BC's are no more a problem than any other canine bred as a 'working dog'. A BC, like any other canine, needs proper training, exercise, and mental stimulation which will prevent poor behavior issues. They don't even necessarily need to be 'sheep' herders in order to be good dogs, nor do they absolutely 'need' acres of land to romp about on in order to be happy. They do need mental stimulation, and close attention, and good training from puppy age onward or they can drive the un-initiated owner bat-crap crazy. It comes with the territory. If anyone needs "therapy" it would most likely be the 'owners'.
This 'news' article seems to paint all BC's with the same broad "bad behavior" brush, and they even had to go all the way back to the "70's" to try and prove it. "To anyone who remembers Blue Peter’s over-excitable dog Sheep in the 1970s, it’ll come as no huge surprise...etc.". One excitable BC does not a 'herd' make. Our 2 BC's, Male and Female, are pretty smart dogs, sometimes smarter than we their simple minded owners, and they have us well trained to understand BC language, and they let us know when we are failing that. They don't herd sheep or our horses but they show no mercy to tennis balls, and anything that moves faster than a slug! They are inside/outside dogs, they don't chew furniture or destroy the house. Not unlike human children, it's how they are treated, trained, and loved, and when outside, a human supervisor should be with them. You get back what you put in.
I can't speak for the other four breeds but they are kinda cute even if they aren't BC's.

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About this website
John Noakes, pictured here with Shep in a Blue Peter Annual from 1973.…

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