Tuesday, July 2, 2019

"Homelessness"? Not In My Kingdom!

' "Homelessness"??? What the hell is that all about? Who ever heard of such a thing in my Kingdom!? 'Everyone' has a home in my kingdom...right? Am I right Kellyanne? KellyAnne!?? Oh how I miss Sara! She used to read the best story's to me at bedtime, and that special way she would tuck me. Sad, so sad. But anyway, I, myself, have always had a 'home'. Actually more than I can count. I grew up 'poor' as a entitled 'prince' could possibly be, and I never saw anyone who was "homeless".
I own property in San Francisco, “that you used to think as very special” but have now become “terrible.” Now I hear that the sidewalks are dirty. Who would want to walk on dirty sidewalks?? Not me! No way! Actually, I don't remember the last time I even had to walk on Any sidewalk. "Terrible"! Just "terrible". What's going on outside my castle walls??
My 'minders', who I absolutely do not 'mind', are right now telling me about people sleeping and camping on the sidewalks of some democrat controlled cities. Don't they have 'campgrounds' there? “It’s a phenomenon that started two years ago,” “It’s disgraceful. I'm going to maybe—I am looking at it very seriously.” Really. I might just do that. "Seriously". "Maybe". "Two years ago", can you believe that??
When I was on my wonderful photo op in Japan recently, you probably saw me there along with my beautiful 'dynasty children', the streets are so clean a 'homeless' person, if they had any, could eat rice off of them, “there is no graffiti” or people “going to the bathroom on the streets” in Japan. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna say that I didn't even walk around Japan to even 'see' the streets. I'm just telling you what I'm 'told'. Very clean place. No dirty sidewalks. No crime at all. They all love me. Absolutely no "homelessness". Probably. "We'll see, we'll see".
The “liberal establishment”, you know, the democrats, have exacerbated the problem in their cities but it “ended it very quickly” in Washington, D.C., when I became president. "Homelessness has been falling in D.C. steadily for the past three years". "Ended", "Falling", hey what's in a 'word', it all means the same thing to me. Why tell the 'truth' when you can tell a 'lie' instead. Who 'believes' the truth anyway.
Someone just now told me that cops are getting sick walking their beats in those democrat controlled cities. What!!?? Why are they 'walking' in the first place. Don't they have bikes?? Stop the 'walking' and you'll stop being sick! Why do I have to think of all the solutions??? But I guess that's why I'm President, or whatever.
“So we’re looking at it very seriously,” “We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It’s inappropriate.” That's right, I said "we may intercede". "May", as opposed to 'maybe' not.
But right now my beautiful, gifted, entitled, dynasty children, and I are off to another wonderful photo op, all the while, making our kingdom "great again".'

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‘You can’t have what’s happening—where police officers are getting sick just by walking the beat,’ the president exclaimed.

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