Friday, July 26, 2019

"Racist"? Hell no I ain't!

"Racist"? Hell no I ain't! I never even go to 'races', I can't stand all that noise, and those places are always just full as can be of those loud mouthed "N+++++s" Ya'll know what I'm talking about here! But that ain't the point here. I just don't like them 'races'. Got no use for'em! And as far as them "N+++++s" are concerned, I got no use for them either. I'm one proud, southern, good ol' girl, and I live my 'Southern Heritage Pride' every day of my mind sequestered life. As for those "N+++++s" that verbally attacked me in that restaurant, how'd they get in there in the first place!? There ought to be a 'law'! I mean, right out there in public where white people were eating! They must of thought they was at the 'races' or a chicken eating contest or something! What's wrong with America nowadays? I just don't understand why more people can't be more like me!
 And sure, I used the "N-word", you know, "N+++++s" on those people, and you know what? I'm not sorry about it one whit! If I had it to do all over again, which I sure wish I could, I'd call'em "N+++++s" all over again! They are the ones that should be sorry for "making me say" it in the first place. I wouldn't have said it if they hadn't pushed me into it. I just don't go around calling 'everybody' that. I'm pretty selective about who I call "N+++++s", and anyone who really 'knows' me will tell you the same thing.
Beside, it's their own fault for being such loud mouthed "N+++++s" around white people like myself! I demand an apology from them for being so insensitive and for yelling at me for no good reason at all!
But see, that's the 'difference' between them people and us privileged white people, where if I'd done something 'wrong' I'd own up to it, but I know them "N+++++s" ain't never gonna do it. But look, this ain't about educated, enlightened, 'me' is it?
But now people are going off the deep end accusing me of liking 'races', which like I already said, I don't like 'races' because they are so loud, noisy, and dirty, so that means I'm not a 'racist', or whatever, and besides, 'races' ain't got nothing to do with what I said. So there! Now I gotta get back to ironing my sheet and hood. Now ya'll run along and pick on somebody else for a while.'  :/

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The North Carolina woman claimed she wasn't racist, despite refusing to apologize and insisting that she would use the racist slur again.

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