Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"A Lot of Time", Really.

'Man! What a dirty, filthy job that was! I still have my banged-up hard hat and waiters staff gloves from that horrible day. Yeah, I was there alright, right on the front lines supervising my hundreds, maybe thousands, of loyal employees as we dug with practically bare hands through the rubble pulling out survivor after survivor, how many, I simply lost count. By my own stopwatch I spent a "lot of time" there. Countless, countless minutes or even more. "Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers, and other first responders. And I was down there also, but I’m not considering myself a first responder. But I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you," my memory is above normal and that's what I remember.
Even though I was in the middle of very important meetings with other very important people like myself, I rushed down there with my army of volunteers and got to work! Don'tcha just love volunteering for stuff like that? I sure do. But that's just Me, that's the way I was raised, 'do unto others before they do unto you'. That's my job folks!
So yeah, I was there in person. Ask anyone who 'knows' me. Look at the videos. Everyone remembers me that day. Look for the big guy in the orange hard hat. That's me alright!
"Alot of time". And you know what? All those First Responders I supervised and showed how to dig through piles of rubble really appreciate all I've done to them...errr..for them that is, and I know I can count on their vote so that I can continue "making America great again", or something like that, sorta, or whatever.
Remember folks, I spent "a lot of time" down there getting my waiters gloves really dirty. Disgusting dirt!
But this isn't about how brave and courageous I am is it? Is it??' ;)

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