Wednesday, July 3, 2019

I Don't Need No Stinkin' Judge

'I tell you, I'm the 'King' of America, and I don't need no stinkin' Supreme Court to tell me what I can or cannot do! I have more power than god! If I say I'm gonna do it, then I'm gonna do it no matter what some useless judges' decide otherwise. I 'rule' 'supreme' in my kingdom and that's all the 'supreme' I need! My serfs and my minions who voted me into this royal position are begging me to add this census question, and I dare not piss them off by ignoring their wishes. Their wishes are but my a point.
I make and/or/break the laws of my serfdom as I see fit. I, and I alone, am above the law of the land, and I answer to no one. I cannot be arrested for any crimes, I cannot be indicted, and I refuse impeachment! I am un-touchable! My 'rules' will be followed without question or heads will roll around here! American's need to get used to their new King! My dynasty will rule for many decades to come. My Kingdom, my rules! But hey, this isn't about Me, myself and I, is it now? Is it?? Of course not, it's about America and how I'm making it "great again" after that illegal immigrant Obama, left it a horrible mess. Terrible person! Un-believable! Really. He should be more like me.'

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President Donald Trump on Wednesday called news reports that the Commerce Department would drop its plans to ask people if they are U.S. citizens on the 2020 census "fake."

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