Saturday, July 13, 2019

Tennessee, The 'Learned' State of Confusion

'My fellow Tennessee brethren's, I stand before you humbled and proud.
Just as I, myself do, I'm positive that all my voters remember and still praise the name of our greatest confederate general, and some would say 'traitor', Nathan Bedford Forrest. Well guess what friend My fellow white citizens of the 'learned', and 'progressive', Confederate State of Tennessee, I come to you not simply as your very white and obviously unapologetic, closet racist Governor, who by the way would be very happy to transport your state back to the good ol' days of 'dem fields of cotton', but also as the person you personally elected to be your very soul searching voice in all things righteous.
And dont'cha just miss the hell outta those good ol' days of watching your Slaves pick your cotton, hoeing your fields, the sound of the cat-o-nine-tails whip as it lashed jesus into their lazy souls, hearing the jingle-jangle of their chains as they shuffled by while you sipped your mint tea on the veranda. Ohhh yes, those were indeed the days I still dream of, and I bet all of my voters do as well. How very 'thankful', and 'fortunate' you must all feel to have me as your personal spokesperson in all things, especially when it comes to things such as our 'Southern Pride'.
In light of your faith in my everyday decision making process, I have wonderful news that will no doubt bring more than a tear drop of 'Southern Pride' to your starving eyes.
Just as I, myself still do, I'm positive that all my voters remember, and still praise the name of our greatest confederate general, and some would say 'traitor', Nathan Bedford Forrest. Well guess what friends, I have proudly with puffed out chest, signed a bill honoring our late hero who as you all remember was a renowned cotton plantation owner, horse and cattle trader, real estate broker, and slave trader, and oh how he loved the slave trade, you know, buying, owning, and selling stolen Black human beings. And of course lest we forget, he was also an infamous KU Klux Klan, you know, 'KKK', that wonderful American Terrorist 'social club', member. He joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1867 (two years after its founding) and was elected its first Grand Wizard. And what a grand Grand Wizard he was! Oh how he relished terrorizing former Slaves in his home state of Tennessee! And remember how after the war, that he helped facilitate, where hundreds of thousands of Americans were slaughtered, millions grievously wounded all because the traitor states wanted to continue the Slavery business, how he continued to legally 'own' hundreds of Black, and even White incarcerated convicts under the Mississippi 'Convict Lease System' where they were forced to work on his Plantation on 'Presidents Island'.
Oh what a great example of human flesh he was! So benevolent, kind, generous, just the kind of 'hero' we all need in our lives.
And luckily for the great and 'learned' State of Tennessee, with me as it's spokesperson, the very person all of you have chosen to be your personal voice in state, and moral matters, we all can now openly praise his very name and memory, and set an example for all of the south to follow. Praise be to our 'Southern Pride' racist, Slave owner, terror group member, Nathan...what's his name.'


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Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill declaring Saturday as Nathan Bedford Forrest Day in honor of the Confederate general, slave trader and early Ku Klux Klan leader. The governor of Tennessee has been required by law to annually declare July 13 in honor of the general. And Lee said he has no...

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