Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The 'Storm' On The Hong Kong Horizon

This is the 'thunder' that precedes the coming 'Lightning storm'.
China will not let these protests continue much longer. China cannot afford to even appear to lose Hong Kong from which it's main source of income is derived. Without the monetary resources derived from a thriving quasi 'free society', mainland China would shrivel on the vine.
The protesters have meant well, and their efforts to retain what 'freedoms' they have been 'allowed' to enjoy has not gone un-noticed by China and the world in general, is commendable, and their bravery is to be admired. However, there is nothing the rest of the world can do to protect these brave protesters from the wrath of their 'master' who has lost patience with its straying 'children'. No country, however vocal in boasting of support for the protesters, would dare step into this viper pit of looming death that China can, and no doubt will, smother the protesters with.
The world should know, and again, and again, be well warned, that this is what it's like living under the rule of ruthless Communist Dictators, and in reality it doesn't even have to be a 'Communist' rule, all it takes is a despot dictatorship, and compliant citizenship, but it certainly helps when a nation has never known true freedom, even in this year of 2019.
Remember 'Tiananmen Square'?

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China's defense ministry on Wednesday indicated that the People's Liberation Army could be deployed in Hong Kong as protests continue in the semi-autonomous city.

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