Monday, July 15, 2019


'How dare they 'insult' me with their attacks against me right after I insulted, and attacked Them! Come on folks, that's my job! I am the master of insults! I am after-all, Trump, the 'Insult-In-Chief'! I demand that as soon as they return, that is if they can get through 'Customs', from wherever they came from, that they 'take a knee' in front of my throne and personally apologize to their 'King of Insults' for being so rude to their master, and while on their knees they should shine my presidential shoes.
Where do these 'people' come from!?? Don't they realize who's in charge of my America??? They should be very careful with the insults because my nervous little finger is caressing the 'deportation button!
I officially demand that everyone who has ever insulted me, to "apologize' to me, right now! Why can't my subjects be more like me!? I demand 'respect'!
Waiting. Waiting...waiting...still waiting..why is my phone not ringing..waitinnnng. WaaaaaWaaaaWaa! KellyAnne, come to my royal office and rub-ba-dub-dub my flaccid 'ego'! Waaaa!' ;)

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Trump won't apologize for telling minority House members to 'go back' to where they came from.

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