Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Trump, And 'Kingdomship'

It's 'official', our United States of America now has what our forefathers escaped from, and worked so hard to prevent, a 'King' that lords it over our Nation with much impunity. He has, through his evil manipulations and total disregard for our Constitution and Rule of Law, elevated himself to the throne of the 'un-touchable'.
When this 'Liar-In-Chief' gained control of our nation, I said, and would hate to say again, that 'post Trump', it will take decades for our nation to heal from the terrible injuries and insults that he will, and now has, inflicted and is inflicting, upon our Democracy, World standing, our Office of President, our Environment, and our lives in general. But, I was mistaken, now I see I was way too optimistic in my prediction at that early stage of his 'Kingmanship'. Now, at this present time it is more than clear that America can never fully heal, and recover from this bully of a man-child, this self centered, egotistical, serial lying, unsupervised, dictatorship loving, piss poor excuse not only as an example of what a nations 'leader' should be, and act like, but as an example of a 'human being' that he so grandly, and wrongly, fancies himself to be.
Remember 'Republicans', this is the dysfunctional 'man-baby' that you voted for, and fostered upon our nation with. 'He' is America's enemy, and You opened 'Pandora's Box' releasing him to prey upon our world. 'Pandora's Box', once 'opened', never closed.

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President Trump scored a big win on Wednesday when the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to…

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