Friday, July 5, 2019

Our 'Commander-In-Idiot' Speaks Again

'And our troops "manned the air", total air superiority, shooting down British airplanes left and right, knocked out all of the enemies "airports", and "rammed the ramparts" with their amazing brand new "Sherman Tanks" during the American Revolutionary War! Incredible! Absolutely un-believable! Totally un-believable! What a great bunch of guys! Why didn't they name the army after George Washington?? Like I've said before, "If he was smart, he would’ve put his name on it,” “You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you.” Makes you wonder. 'Something' was going on. What's with that? I know for fact they would have named it after Me! How could they not? My 'brand' is out there! But that's just me. That's why I'm a better president than he was. No 'brand', no fame'. Nobody even remembers him. But I'll never be forgotten.
But look, this isn't about Me, Myself, and I, is it? It's about how "great" America is now because of Me. Really. Ya gotta believe me on that one folks. Ya just gotta!'

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The president made the gaffe during his speech at the Lincoln Memorial as…

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