Friday, July 19, 2019

Finger Lickin' Good

'My fellow finger lickin', chicken lovin' citizens of the learned State of Texass, I stand here before you not just as your esteemed god fearin' governor, you know, the guy you elected to be your 'brain', because you may not possess one yourself, but also as just a regular down to earth chicken plucker, just like yourselves.
Now, I'll bet a bushel of chicken gizzards that ya'll love 'chicken-fila' just as much as I myself do. In fact, just sayin' the word 'Chicken-fila' makes... me drool like a horse eaten fresh clover! Don'tcha just love a fresh, fried up range chicken? Man! I sure do! That's a meal fit for a king I tell ya!
Now ya'll have probably heard that some airports here in my kingdom have banned our fine feathered friends from being in airports, and even from riding on airplanes! That ain't right! Chickens should be allowed to go wherever they want to go, even in a deep fat fryer if they want to. Nothin' better tastin' than a deep fat fried 'fryer'!
Well, it seems to me that our little cluckers need some sort of 'protection' from discrimination! And you know what? I'm just the kinda chicken lovin' guy to do just that very thing! Plus, I betcha that I'll be rollin' in the donation money from my BFF's the chicken growers after this little photo op.
here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make a snappy 'chicken, anti-discrimination' law that will make it impossible for anyone to discriminate in any form or fashion against our sacred , little, finger lickin', feathered friends. If they want to walk around in an airport, a mall, drive a car, buy a gun, or hang out in my mansion, or just walk down the street peckin' away with their little peckers, then their little peckers are now free to do as they please. They can even volunteer to appear on my dinner plate in the form of a yummy 'chick-fila' if they want to.
Now lets all hold our sugar filled soft drink cups way up high, and give praise to the 'man' who has made all this possible. No, not That guy! I'm talkin' about 'Me'!'

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Proponents of the bill say it will protect religious freedom. Critics however,…

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