Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Trumps 'New' Tanks

'Yeah, I'm diverting 2bn dollars from my border Wall, remember that one?, to build a whole fleet of brand new "Sherman" tanks. Lots of'em. Tons of'em! Boy! What a tank! Look out North Korea, ya got nothing like this! Nothing! At. All. Really. And while I'm at it, I'm gonna build a whole bunch of 'new' fighter planes! Lots of 'Bi-Planes', and brand new B-17's, and P-38's, lots of 'new' stuff never before seen. No other President has been able to do this! I'm the 'man'! It's gonna be a great parade I tell ya! Un-believable! Boy, just wait until our enemies, and that includes the lying press and their reporters, get a load of these 'new' airplanes! And wait until you see my 'new' warships! Speaking of 'warships', I got a nice letter the other day from a sailor that serves on one of my Submarines. He has begged me to have 'screen doors' put on all my Subs. And you know what? Consider it done! Am I good or what? I know more about military stuff than all of my generals put together! But then that's why I'm president, and they aren't..
Dont'cha just love a parade? Boy, I'll be 'remembered' forever after this one!'

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Armored vehicles and military aircraft will be part of the White House's Fourth of July event in Washington.

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