Monday, July 1, 2019

Brave People, Yet Doomed

Unfortunately, history will repeat itself in Hong Kong on a level that will make Tiananmen Square look like a child's picnic outing. The protesters in Hong Kong should be praised for their courage in standing up for what they view as their rights to exist, and to live in what they would hope would be a free democracy. But China will not much longer humor their idea of being a free and democratic society, no matter that the protesters are absolutely correct in their wishes to be a free society, and sooner or later, probably sooner, China will brutally show all of Hong Kong, and China in general, that this sort of embarrassing, to China, public protest which threatens China's long standing total control of all its residents of China, can no longer be tolerated in a totalitarian regime. There will be many, many protesters who will face a firing squad, and many more who will disappear into the maze of 'gulags' within China.
China's ruler, Xi Jinping, who America's very own 'ruler' Trump, 'The Lover of Dictators', praises as his BFF-FWB, will be forced to show his brutal hand against these protesters or face that very 'hand' himself.
'Reality' being what it sadly sometimes is, is what Hong Kong will face if these protests continue to show Xi Jinping as weak, and not in control of his kingdom, of which Hong Kong certainly is part and parcel, of whether the protesters like it or not.

(see my post of 6/12/19, 'Democracy' In China? Not.)

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Activists had earlier stormed and ransacked the legislature following a…

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