Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Not ready For A Black Leader In Georgia

'Oh hell no, no way, not here, not yet! I mean, look, it's only been 154 years since Georgia lost the civil war, we're still a little sensitive about that thing around these parts. I mean, come on folks, Black people don't' know nothin' about 'leading' Anything. Well, maybe they could 'lead' a donkey', but 'leading' people? Really!? Look, I don't know much about anything, some would say I don't know anything about anything at all, some people would say I'm an ignorant, racist, bigoted, entitled loser, but as a 'learned' white person, I do know people, and I 'know' more about Black people than anybody around here.
Tomorrow, I'll probably be eating my words like they was hot out of the fryer chittlins, but that's just part of being a 'good' politician. Ignorant today, humble and still ignorant tomorrow.'
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The mayor said in a statement that she doesn't recall making such a comment.

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