Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Hear-ye, Hear-ye, The 'King' Has Spoken

'Clang-clang, Clang-clang', Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, The 'King' has 'spoken'. His Majesty, Lord Trump, 'The Imposter', has swung his magic Scepter and cast 'executive privilege' over his 'court', there-by protecting himself from further inquiary into whatever nefarious activity he may be involved in. Our 'King' is now insulated, and protected from America's judicial system, and he now shows the world that he, and he alone, is above the 'Law of The Land', no longer subject to the 'Rule of Law' as other mortals be, and thusly, an 'untouchable'.
Our 'King' has finally built his 'wall', not at the Border of Mexico, but a virtual 'wall' around America's White House, a 'wall' of 'privilege' constructed with lies, deciet, deception, confusion, paronoia, contradictions, and abuse of America's now shreded Constitution.
And now, King Trump, 'The Denier', sits high on his 'wall' surrounded by his clutch of courtly minions daring 'Justice' to just try and knock them off. But then, so did 'Humpty Dumpty', and all of his men. What goes up, will surely come down.
Our 'King' has stupidly painted himself into a corner where there is now no escape, and his 'wall' will be his undoing, and in due time will come tumbling down around his 'kingly' head.

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As Democrats in the House continue to push for the full unredacted release of the Mueller report,…

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