Tuesday, May 14, 2019

PM Orban, What A Great Guy

'Wow! Would you just look at this guy! PM Orban, I really love the feel of your magnetic, dictatorial hand in my own sweaty little palm! I've never seen such a 'great' dictator in my whole life, especially since I was elected 'ruler' of my own country! Huge voter turnout. Big numbers!
What a guy! And talk about a great family man, second only to myself of course. What a "tremendous job" you have done to, I mean, 'for' your country. Your serfs just love you to pieces! And you know what, I do too! Best new BFF I've ever, nearly ever, had. You are right there near the top of my BFF-FWB dictator list. Not right at the very top mind you, but close. You inspire me to work even harder to become a 'dictator' that has the respect of all my own people.
It's such a “great honor” to host PM Orbán, who by his own estimate, and to which I concur, is so “highly respected all over Europe”, particularly for his anti-immigration policies."
“You’re respected all over Europe. Probably, like me, a little bit controversial, but that’s OK,” . “You’ve done a good job and you’ve kept your country safe.” I just love the way you keep those illegal immigrants out of your country by using means and methods that I wish I could use right here in America. But, maybe later, soon as I totally own the Supreme Court, "we'll see how it works out", "we'll see". I'm busy working on it. Building that wall that I promised my minions. Great voters by the way. My friend, “You have been great with respect to Christian communities, you have really put a block up. And we appreciate that very much”, I really like that " barrier the government has erected along Hungary’s border with Serbia and Croatia". Christians are under attack all over the world! Our job is to protect them bro! Great voters by the way! Hey, have I mentioned the huge wall that I'm building around America? When I'm finished with that thing Nobody will be able to get in! Our Christian brothers and sisters will then be safe from being racially polluted by these foreigners that jump across our borders. I'm proud to be a 'nationalist' just like you and my other dictator BFF's. Keep up the "tremendous job" my friend! I wish more people could be just like us.'

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Trump tells visiting PM ‘You’re respected all over Europe’ but critics attack Orbán for eroding democracy and human rights

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