Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Pass The Cookies, Please!

'What's that Senator? Oh, I'm sorry, were you talking to me? Sorry, had my head up my arse, you know, as usual. But yeah, now that you've offered, I sure would like to have some of those 'Oreo' cookies you've been talking about. Love those things! Just dip them in chocolate milk, let'em soak for a minute, and whamo!, taste buds look out, here it comes!
But seriously Senator, I'm just the guy my BFF hired to ruin, err, run, that is, this Housing and Urban Development outfit. Hell, I'm not even sure why I'm there, or here, or anyplace, for that matter. But I do know a lot about 'houses', I have a few nice ones myself. Other than that, as we all know by now, I'm pretty much clueless, you know, in the dark, about what my real role is, other than being a token black guy hired by a racist white guy in hopes of pandering for more black voters, which of course scares the jibbies out of white voters, but if it gets our hero elected they'll do anything to justify it.
Now, about those 'Oreo' cookies you're holding back on there.'

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Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson appeared to think Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) was…

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