Friday, May 10, 2019

Ouch! That Hurts! The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling!

'Hey, would you look at that! The sky is falling, the sky is falling, and look, wouldn't you know, it's made of illegal immigrants! Oooo...The worst kind, if you 'know' what I mean' folks. My, my, what should we do about this iimigrant 'peoblem'. If only I had some good ieads on how to stop this flood of criminals. “When you have 15,000 people marching up, hundreds and hundreds of people, and you have hundred and hundreds of people and you have two or three border security people that are brave and great, and don’t forget we don’t let them and we can’t let them use weapons, we can’t,” . “Other countries do, we can’t. I would never do that. But how do you stop these people?” If only we had more than "two or three border security people". How do we stop this "infestation" that's ruining our country, which by the way, I'm "making great again"?
It's no wonder that we need the assistance of those "wonderful people" of these 'patriotic' Armed Anti-Government, Right Wing Militias to patrol our borders making citizen arrests of these horrible border jumpers, and taking up the slack. But what should I do about this problem of people who want to become US Citizens, I humbly beseetch you, my faithful, ignorant minions, please tell me what I should do, because as you can plainly 'see', I otherwise have absolutly no clue, actually, about anything at all. Please, don't be bashful, stand up and show the world what myself, and my ignorant 'base' are made of, just shout it out for all to hear!

“Shoot them!”
What's that you say, faithful minion?
"Shoot them!"
Shoot them?? Hahahahahahaha! Give that guy a free hat! That's a great idea my faithful one but, “Only in the Panhandle can you get away with that statement.” But I can tell you this for sure, “I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.” If you 'know' what I mean.
Now I'm not actually 'saying' that these criminals, these immigrants who want nothing more than to be American citizens, should be 'shot', of course I would 'never' say such a thing, but of course you, my faithfuls do, and so I leave that up to you my blind followers, if you 'know' what I mean. Remember, if I can 'think' it, you can 'do' it.
By the way folks, how am I doing? My 'numbers' are sky high! 95% of all Americans approve of everything I do and say, so lets get out there in 2020 and waste, errr.., I mean 'cast' a vote so's I can continue to ruin, oppps, I mean 'rule' America the way American's love to be ruled over.'

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The president has a long history of using dehumanizing and harmful rhetoric against immigrants.

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