Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Chairman Have No Funny Bone

'Ah-sshole, Chairman have no funny bone. Crazy dog name not so funny to grand esteemed leader. He forget dog not a people, just dog, or meal on four legs. Instead of making puppy soup, I name #1 pet puppy, 'Hung-Chow', and #2 pet puppy, 'Won-Hung-low', now big trouble for me. Maybe I be shot out of big 'Made In America' cannon on sunrise. Hey, got funny police joke; Why police fall off bicycle? Can't find seatbelt! Did you hear about Government Official that crashed official car with thirty stolen ducks in front seat? He have serious 'quack-up'. Uh-Oh, jailer now say I get shot out of cannon six times'.


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Pet seller locked up for ‘picking quarrels and making trouble’ after police…

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