Monday, May 27, 2019

“Numerous Japanese officials..."

'No kidding folks, that's what a 'lot' of Japanese 'officials' told me. By the way, did you know that those people over there speak English? Yeah, “Numerous Japanese officials told me that the Democrats would rather see the United States fail than see me or the Republican Party succeed – Death Wish!” See!?? Everyone in the world agrees with me! "death wish, death wish, death wish"!! Everyone repeat after me, come on folks, lets chant it together, "death wish, death wish, death wish"! Those democrats are really bad for my 'kingdom', very bad! “I think the Democrats are obstructionists,” “They’re hurting our country very, very badly.” I mean, just look around, since I became America's 'ruler' things have just gone to hell in a hat basket, and all because the Democrats hate me. I've made America "great again", and they hate me for it because I did it when they had no clue as to how they could do it. Why can't they just like me, and try to be more 'like me'. What we need is just a 'one party' system, you know, my party of 'Evangelical Christian Republicanism' party. “No collusion, no obstruction. No nothing. They’re very unhappy. They’re angry about it. They have to get over their anger.” Lok at me, I'm not mad. I love everyone, even the people that I hate, I love them too. But that's just benevolent, kind hearted, me. But look folks, this isn't even about 'me', it's about that "death wish" democratic party. They got nothing on me! Nothing! Where's the video? Where's the audio tape? They got nothing on me I tell you, nothing. No evidence of me doing illegal stuff! Hey, do they think I'm dumb enough to leave 'evidence' laying around? Come on folks! I'm smarter than that! How do you think I became a 'successful' businessman?
By the way, did you see me kicking Prime Minister Abe's butt out on the golf course. That guy has no clue. Swings like a girl!'

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President Trump took a moment during his visit to Japan to slam Democrats and share remarks from officials there.

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