Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Russia, "Stop Messing Around..."

'Yeah, that's right, you heard me, you, you commie rascals you, "don't mess around with Venezuela", or else! Know what I mean buster? Oh sure, my 'boss' practically invited you guys to set up camp there, but just because we've done nothing to stop you, or whinned about it, or to kick you out, doesn't mean that we're happy to have you in our 'backyard' "messing around". Oh, and if you do happen to make a 'mess' down there while "messing around", please be so kind as to clean up after yourselves before you leave, that is if you ever do leave. Which by the looks of it, wont be anytime soon.
By the way, what in the world Are you doing "messing around" there? Why are all those guys who are getting off those military transports dressed up like tourists? Don't they realize there's a civil war brewing down there, and hardly a place to be "messing around" in?
Anyway, I suggest that you just take your 'mess', go home, and "don't mess around with Venezuela", because that's 'our' job.'

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